Palm Beach Pediatrics is now part of Bluebird Kids Health! Learn more here.

Effective October 1st, we are an in-network provider for Humana Healthy Horizons (Medicaid)


If you have an URGENT matter that CANNOT wait until regular business hours tomorrow, 12/9, please call (561) 509-5009.
For ALL non-urgent matters, please contact us tomorrow 12/9 during our regular business hours 7:30am - 5:00pm, or via your child's patient portal account.

(561) 509-5009

Celebrating 40 years

of taking care of the physical and mental health of the children of Palm Beach County.

1984 - 2024

We are accepting new patients at all of our locations!

Caring for the complete child

Our integrated health approach combines physical, as well as mental health, for best-in-class pediatric care.

Dr. Fox speaking with WPBF 25 News about the growing mental health crisis currently effecting children and teens.
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Palm Beach Pediatrics is honored to have received the 2023 Advanced Primary Care Practice Award from the Primary Care Collaborative. This prestigious award recognizes our practice’s innovative approach to patient-centered care under the leadership of Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine.
By integrating behavioral health services directly into pediatric primary care, we have created a seamless experience for families, ensuring children receive both physical and mental health support in one location.
We are proud to serve as a model for primary care transformation in our community.

Have an upcoming Telehealth appointment with your provider?  No worries!  We made it very easy and is only just one-click away!

We ask that you please check-in to your Telehealth appointment via the Patient Portal no less than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.  Also, have your camera and microphone enabled as they are required to conduct the visit.


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1 month ago
Bluebird Kids Health

💩 How often should your baby poop? Dr. Amanda Thomas is here to break it down—without getting too messy.

✅ Breastfed newborns: Up to 8-10 times a day
✅ Formula-fed newborns: 1-4 times a day

As they grow, things slow down. Some breastfed babies might go once every 7-10 days, and that’s totally normal if they’re happy and thriving!

When solids start, expect things to get stinkier, thicker, and less frequent.

The key takeaway? Soft stool + a happy baby = no worries.

🚩 But if you see dry, pebble-like poop + fussiness or vomiting, call your pediatrician.

Keep an eye on those diapers, trust your instincts, and hit FOLLOW for more pediatric tips!

💩 ¿Con qué frecuencia debe hacer caca tu bebé? La doctora Amanda Thomas te lo explica sin ensuciar demasiado.

Recién nacidos amamantados: Hasta 8-10 veces al día
Recién nacidos alimentados con leche artificial: Entre 1 y 4 veces al día

A medida que crecen, las cosas se ralentizan. Algunos bebés amamantados pueden ir una vez cada 7-10 días, ¡y eso es totalmente normal si son felices y prosperan!

Cuando empiecen a tomar sólidos, las evacuaciones serán más apestosas, más espesas y menos frecuentes.

¿Cuál es la clave? Heces blandas + un bebé feliz = sin preocupaciones.

Pero si ves cacas secas, como guijarros, además de inquietud o vómitos, llama al pediatra.

Vigila los pañales, confía en tu instinto y dale a SEGUIR para obtener más consejos pediátricos.

#ParentingTips #BabyHealth
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Frankieben Romera

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Recognized by the National Centers for Quality Assurance, Palm Beach Pediatrics has received the highest level of distinction in providing physical, as well as mental health care to children and young adults. 1

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